Healthy Lunches - Grape chicken and pearl couscous salad -

Healthy Lunches - Grape, chicken and pearl couscous salad - - Looking for Grape, chicken and pearl couscous salad, then a person reached the right spot . This Awesome Grape, chicken and pearl couscous salad Recipe surely can bright every day . It is definitely easy to create, plus do not need invested a lot of period . Also you can get the ingredient near you very easily . #Grape, #chicken #and #pearl #couscous #salad #

Grape, chicken and pearl couscous salad


1 cup (200g) pearl couscous
2 tbs olive oil
4 x 120g Coles RSPCA Approved Chicken Breast Fillets
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 bunch celery, yellow leaves reserved, thinly sliced diagonally
1 cup (175g) white grapes, halved
1 cup (190g) red grapes, halved
1/3 cup (35g) walnuts, toasted, coarsely chopped
100g reduced-fat feta, crumbled
1 lemon, zested, juiced

Nutrition : 4 Servings

  - Fat : 35g / 53%
  - Carbs : 60g / 20%
  - Protein : 49g / 97%


Figure out how to cook this Grape, chicken and pearl couscous salad here:
Click Here - Grape, chicken and pearl couscous salad

Tags: Egg-Free #Peanut-Free #Soy-Free #Fish-Free #Shellfish-Free #Pork-Free #Red-Meat-Free #Crustacean-Free #Mustard-Free #Sesame-Free #Lupine-Free #Mollusk-Free #Alcohol-Free # Cautions: #Sulfites #FODMAP #
