Probiotic Recipes - Creamy yogurt porridge with banana blueberry almond topping - Balanced High-Fiber Low-Sodium

Probiotic Recipes - Creamy yogurt porridge with banana, blueberry & almond topping - Balanced, High-Fiber, Low-Sodium, - Are you searching for Creamy yogurt porridge with banana, blueberry & almond topping, then a person found the right spot . This Awesome Creamy yogurt porridge with banana, blueberry & almond topping Recipe surely can bright every day . It is usually easy to create, and even do not need put in a lot of period . Also you can get the ingredient near you quickly . #Creamy #yogurt #porridge #with #banana, #blueberry #& #almond #topping #Balanced #High-Fiber #Low-Sodium #

Creamy yogurt porridge with banana, blueberry & almond topping


3 tbsp (25g) porridge oat
150g pot 0% fat probiotic plain yogurt
1 small banana, chopped
generous handful blueberries or thawed frozen raspberries (85g)
small handful toasted flaked almonds

Nutrition : 1 Servings

  - Fat : 18g / 28%
  - Carbs : 61g / 20%
  - Protein : 16g / 32%


Full Instruction for this Creamy yogurt porridge with banana, blueberry & almond topping recipe a person can found by clic the button below:
Click Here - Creamy yogurt porridge with banana, blueberry & almond topping

Tags: Vegetarian #Pescatarian #Gluten-Free #Wheat-Free #Egg-Free #Peanut-Free #Soy-Free #Fish-Free #Shellfish-Free #Pork-Free #Red-Meat-Free #Crustacean-Free #Celery-Free #Mustard-Free #Sesame-Free #Lupine-Free #Mollusk-Free #Alcohol-Free #No oil added #Kosher # Cautions: #Gluten #Wheat #Sulfites #FODMAP #
